libsgfc++ 2.0.1
A C++ library that uses SGFC to read and write SGF (Smart Game Format) data.
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Classes | |
class | ISgfcArgument |
The ISgfcArgument interface represents a single argument to be passed on to SGFC when it reads or writes SGF content. Depending on the argument type, the argument also has either an integer type or an SgfcPropertyType parameter. More... | |
class | ISgfcArguments |
The ISgfcArguments interface represents a collection of arguments to be passed on to SGFC when it reads or writes SGF content. More... | |
class | ISgfcBoardSizeProperty |
The ISgfcBoardSizeProperty interface is a specialization of ISgfcProperty for SgfcPropertyType::SZ. It simplifies access to the property value and provides the value in the form of an SgfcBoardSize object. More... | |
class | ISgfcColorPropertyValue |
The ISgfcColorPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Color. More... | |
class | ISgfcCommandLine |
The ISgfcCommandLine interface is used to operate the SGFC backend in command line mode. Use SgfcPlusPlusFactory to construct new ISgfcCommandLine objects. More... | |
class | ISgfcComposedPropertyValue |
The ISgfcComposedPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value is a composite of two ISgfcSinglePropertyValue objects. More... | |
class | ISgfcDocument |
The ISgfcDocument interface provides access to a collection of SGF games. When you read an SGF file, the SGF data in that file becomes an ISgfcDocument. More... | |
class | ISgfcDocumentReader |
The ISgfcDocumentReader interface provides functions to generate ISgfcDocument objects by reading SGF data from the filesystem or from in-memory data. ISgfcDocumentReader operates the SGFC backend to achieve its task. Use SgfcPlusPlusFactory to construct new ISgfcDocumentReader objects. More... | |
class | ISgfcDocumentReadResult |
The ISgfcDocumentReadResult interface provides access to the result of a read operation performed by ISgfcDocumentReader. More... | |
class | ISgfcDocumentWriter |
The ISgfcDocumentWriter interface provides functions to generate SGF data from ISgfcDocument objects and to either write that data to the filesystem or make it available as an in-memory string. ISgfcDocumentWriter operates the SGFC backend to achieve its task. Use SgfcPlusPlusFactory to construct new ISgfcDocumentWriter objects. More... | |
class | ISgfcDocumentWriteResult |
The ISgfcDocumentWriteResult interface provides access to the result of a write operation performed by ISgfcDocumentWriter. More... | |
class | ISgfcDoublePropertyValue |
The ISgfcDoublePropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Double. More... | |
class | ISgfcGame |
The ISgfcGame interface provides access to the data of one SGF game tree, in the form of a tree of ISgfcNode objects. More... | |
class | ISgfcGameInfo |
The ISgfcGameInfo interface ia a collection of meta data that describes one SGF game. For instance, the meta data includes information such as the name of the game, when and where it was played, by whom, etc. More... | |
class | ISgfcGameTypeProperty |
The ISgfcGameTypeProperty interface is a specialization of ISgfcProperty for SgfcPropertyType::GM. It simplifies access to the property value and provides the value in the form of an SgfcGameType value. More... | |
class | ISgfcGoGameInfo |
The ISgfcGoGameInfo interface is a specialization of ISgfcGameInfo that contains additional game information that is specific for the game of Go (e.g. komi). More... | |
class | ISgfcGoMove |
The ISgfcGoMove interface represents a move in a Go game. More... | |
class | ISgfcGoMovePropertyValue |
The ISgfcGoMovePropertyValue interface makes the property value data of a property of type SgfcPropertyValueType::Move available as an ISgfcGoMove object. More... | |
class | ISgfcGoPoint |
The ISgfcGoPoint interface represents a point on a Go board. More... | |
class | ISgfcGoPointPropertyValue |
The ISgfcGoPointPropertyValue interface makes the property value data of a property of type SgfcPropertyValueType::Point available as an ISgfcGoPoint object. More... | |
class | ISgfcGoStone |
The ISgfcGoStone interface represents a Go stone. More... | |
class | ISgfcGoStonePropertyValue |
The ISgfcGoStonePropertyValue interface makes the property value data of a property of type SgfcPropertyValueType::Stone available as an ISgfcGoStone object. More... | |
class | ISgfcMessage |
The ISgfcMessage interface represents a message that is generated when SGF data is loaded and parsed, or when SGF data is saved. Most messages are generated by SGFC, but there are a few error cases where libsgfc++ also generates messages. ISgfcMessage objects are immutable. More... | |
class | ISgfcMovePropertyValue |
The ISgfcMovePropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Move. More... | |
class | ISgfcNode |
The ISgfcNode interface provides access to the data of a single SGF node in a tree of SGF nodes. ISgfcNode also provides methods to navigate the game tree. ISgfcNode provides no methods to manipulate the game tree - use ISgfcTreeBuilder for that purpose. More... | |
class | ISgfcNumberPropertyValue |
The ISgfcNumberPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Number. More... | |
class | ISgfcPointPropertyValue |
The ISgfcPointPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Point. More... | |
class | ISgfcProperty |
The ISgfcProperty interface provides access to the data of a single property of an SGF node. One property has 0-n values. More... | |
class | ISgfcPropertyFactory |
The ISgfcPropertyFactory interface provides factory methods for creating ISgfcProperty objects, and objects of every known sub-type of ISgfcProperty. More... | |
class | ISgfcPropertyValue |
The ISgfcPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. More... | |
class | ISgfcPropertyValueFactory |
The ISgfcPropertyValueFactory interface provides factory methods for creating ISgfcPropertyValue objects, and objects of every known sub-type of ISgfcPropertyValue. More... | |
class | ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor |
The ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor interface provides a description of the potential types of values that a specific SGF property can have in the raw SGF content. This information helps with parsing the raw SGF property value string. More... | |
class | ISgfcRealPropertyValue |
The ISgfcRealPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Real. More... | |
class | ISgfcSimpleTextPropertyValue |
The ISgfcSimpleTextPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::SimpleText. More... | |
class | ISgfcSinglePropertyValue |
The ISgfcSinglePropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value is a single value of a basic value type. Some properties allow composed values - see ISgfcComposedPropertyValue for details. More... | |
class | ISgfcStonePropertyValue |
The ISgfcStonePropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Stone. More... | |
class | ISgfcTextPropertyValue |
The ISgfcTextPropertyValue interface provides access to one of the values of a property of an SGF node. The value type is SgfcPropertyValueType::Text. More... | |
class | ISgfcTreeBuilder |
The ISgfcTreeBuilder interface provides methods to manipulate the nodes of a game tree. More... | |
class | SgfcArgument |
The SgfcArgument class provides an implementation of the ISgfcArgument interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcArguments |
The SgfcArguments class provides an implementation of the ISgfcArguments interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcBackendController |
The SgfcBackendController class encapsuslates the SGFC backend and is responsible for coordinating access to it. More... | |
class | SgfcBackendDataWrapper |
The SgfcBackendDataWrapper class is a wrapper around the SGFInfo data structure that is defined by the SGFC backend. SgfcBackendDataWrapper is responsible for managing the memory of an SGFInfo object. More... | |
class | SgfcBackendLoadResult |
The SgfcBackendLoadResult class provides access to the result of a load operation performed by SgfcBackendController. More... | |
class | SgfcBackendSaveResult |
The SgfcBackendSaveResult class provides access to the result of a save operation performed by SgfcBackendController. More... | |
struct | SgfcBoardSize |
The SgfcBoardSize struct is a simple type that can hold the value of SgfcPropertyType::SZ. The constant SgfcConstants::BoardSizeNone is used to indicate that SgfcPropertyType::SZ does not exist on a game tree's root node. More... | |
class | SgfcBoardSizeProperty |
The SgfcBoardSizeProperty class provides an implementation of the ISgfcBoardSizeProperty interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcColorPropertyValue |
The SgfcColorPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcColorPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcCommandLine |
The SgfcCommandLine class provides an implementation of the ISgfcCommandLine interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcComposedPropertyValue |
The SgfcComposedPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcComposedPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcConstants |
The SgfcConstants class is a container class for constants. More... | |
struct | SgfcDate |
The SgfcDate struct is a simple type that can hold one of the 1-n decomposed date values of an SgfcPropertyType::DT property value. More... | |
class | SgfcDocument |
The SgfcDocument class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocument interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcDocumentEncoder |
The SgfcDocumentEncoder class encodes the content of an ISgfcDocument object into an in-memory string buffer that contains the SGF content stream as if it were read from an .sgf file, and that can be passed to SGFC for further processing (corrections and/or writing to an .sgf file in the filesystem). More... | |
class | SgfcDocumentReader |
The SgfcDocumentReader class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentReader interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcDocumentReadResult |
The SgfcDocumentReadResult class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentReadResult interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcDocumentWriter |
The SgfcDocumentWriter class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentWriter interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcDocumentWriteResult |
The SgfcDocumentWriteResult class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentWriteResult interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcDoublePropertyValue |
The SgfcDoublePropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDoublePropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGame |
The SgfcGame class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGame interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGameInfo |
The SgfcGameInfo class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGameInfo interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
struct | SgfcGameResult |
The SgfcGameResult struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::RE property value. More... | |
class | SgfcGameTypeProperty |
The SgfcGameTypeProperty class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGameTypeProperty interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGameUtility |
The SgfcGameUtility class is a container for static helper functions related to game logic. More... | |
class | SgfcGoGameInfo |
The SgfcGoGameInfo class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoGameInfo interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGoMove |
The SgfcGoMove class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoMove interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGoMovePropertyValue |
The SgfcGoMovePropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoMovePropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
struct | SgfcGoPlayerRank |
The SgfcGoPlayerRank struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::BR or SgfcPropertyType::WR property value. More... | |
class | SgfcGoPoint |
The SgfcGoPoint class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoPoint interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGoPointPropertyValue |
The SgfcGoPointPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoPointPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
struct | SgfcGoRuleset |
The SgfcGoRuleset struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::RU property value. More... | |
class | SgfcGoStone |
The SgfcGoStone class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoStone interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcGoStonePropertyValue |
The SgfcGoStonePropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGoStonePropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcMessage |
The SgfcMessage class provides an implementation of the ISgfcMessage interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcMessageStream |
The SgfcMessageStream class captures the stream of messages that is generated by SGFC. More... | |
class | SgfcMovePropertyValue |
The SgfcMovePropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcMovePropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcNode |
The SgfcNode class provides an implementation of the ISgfcNode interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcNodeIterator |
The SgfcNodeIterator class encapsulates reusable algorithms for iterating over a tree of ISgfcNode objects. More... | |
class | SgfcNumberPropertyValue |
The SgfcNumberPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcNumberPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcOptions |
The SgfcOptions class is used to capture a snapshot of the option values in an SGFCOptions struct, and to reconfigure an SGFCOptions struct with those captured values at a later time. More... | |
class | SgfcPlusPlusFactory |
The SgfcPlusPlusFactory class is a class that contains only static functions. The functions are used to construct various library objects. More... | |
class | SgfcPointPropertyValue |
The SgfcPointPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPointPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPrivateConstants |
The SgfcPrivateConstants class is a container class for library-internal constants. More... | |
class | SgfcProperty |
The SgfcProperty class provides an implementation of the ISgfcProperty interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyBasicValueTypeDescriptor |
The SgfcPropertyBasicValueTypeDescriptor class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyComposedValueTypeDescriptor |
The SgfcPropertyComposedValueTypeDescriptor class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyDecoder |
The SgfcPropertyDecoder class parses the raw strings that SGFC provides for SGF properties and their values, and generates proper objects from those parsing activities. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyDualValueTypeDescriptor |
The SgfcPropertyDualValueTypeDescriptor class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyElistValueTypeDescriptor |
The SgfcPropertyElistValueTypeDescriptor class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyFactory |
The SgfcPropertyFactory class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyFactory interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyListValueTypeDescriptor |
The SgfcPropertyListValueTypeDescriptor class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptor interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyMetaInfo |
The SgfcPropertyMetaInfo class provides meta information about a property and the values it can have according to the SGF standard. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyValueFactory |
The SgfcPropertyValueFactory class provides an implementation of the ISgfcPropertyValueFactory interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptorConstants |
The SgfcPropertyValueTypeDescriptorConstants class is a container class for library-internal property value type descriptor constants. More... | |
class | SgfcRealPropertyValue |
The SgfcRealPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcRealPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
struct | SgfcRoundInformation |
The SgfcRoundInformation struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::RO property value. More... | |
class | SgfcSaveStream |
The SgfcSaveStream class captures the stream of save data that is generated by SGF. More... | |
class | SgfcSgfContent |
The SgfcSgfContent class represents a distinct piece of SGF content that is generated by SGFC when it performs a save operation. SgfcSgfContent objects are immutable. More... | |
class | SgfcSimpleTextPropertyValue |
The SgfcSimpleTextPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcSimpleTextPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcSinglePropertyValue |
The SgfcSinglePropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcSinglePropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcStonePropertyValue |
The SgfcStonePropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcStonePropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcTextPropertyValue |
The SgfcTextPropertyValue class provides an implementation of the ISgfcTextPropertyValue interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcTreeBuilder |
The SgfcTreeBuilder class provides an implementation of the ISgfcTreeBuilder interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | SgfcUtility |
The SgfcUtility class is a container for static helper functions. More... | |
class | SgfcValueConverter |
The SgfcValueConverter class converts raw string values into value types defined by the SGF standard, and vice versa. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef unsigned long long | SgfcNodeTraits |
An SgfcNodeTraits value describes the traits of an ISgfcNode object. The value is a combination of individual flags defined in the SgfcNodeTrait enumeration. | |
typedef unsigned long long | SgfcPropertyTraits |
An SgfcPropertyTraits value describes the traits of an ISgfcProperty object. The value is a combination of individual flags defined in the SgfcPropertyTrait enumeration. | |
typedef long | SgfcNumber |
The SgfcNumber type represents the Number value type defined by the SGF standard. Values are signed integer numbers. | |
typedef double | SgfcReal |
The SgfcReal type represents the Real value type defined by the SGF standard. Values are signed floating point numbers. | |
typedef std::string | SgfcSimpleText |
The SgfcSimpleText type represents the SimpleText value type defined by the SGF standard. Values are strings that contain only space characters as whitespace, i.e. no linebreaks, tabs, vertical tabs, etc.. | |
typedef std::string | SgfcText |
The SgfcText type represents the Text value type defined by the SGF standard. Values are strings that contain only space characters and linebreaks as whitespace, i.e. no tabs, vertical tabs, etc.. | |
typedef std::string | SgfcMove |
The SgfcMove type represents the Move value type defined by the SGF standard. The SGF standard does not provide a universal definition of how a Move value should look like. Instead it says that the interpretation of Move values is game specific. | |
typedef std::string | SgfcPoint |
The SgfcPoint type represents the Point value type defined by the SGF standard. The SGF standard does not provide a universal definition of how a Point value should look like. Instead it says that the interpretation of Point values is game specific. | |
typedef std::string | SgfcStone |
The SgfcStone type represents the Stone value type defined by the SGF standard. The SGF standard does not provide a universal definition of how a Stone value should look like. Instead it says that the interpretation of Stone values is game specific. | |
typedef std::function< SgfcNodeIterationContinuation(std::shared_ptr< ISgfcNode >)> | NodeVisitCallback |
Defines the signature of the callback method that SgfcNodeIterator invokes when it visits a node. | |
Functions | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, SgfcPropertyType value) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, SgfcMessageID value) |
void | PrintErrorOutputHook (struct SGFCError *sgfcError) |
int | openHook (struct SaveFileHandler *sfh, const char *path, const char *mode) |
int | closeHook (struct SaveFileHandler *sfh, U_LONG error) |
Bitwise AND operators | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator& (SgfcNodeTraits lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise AND operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator& (SgfcNodeTrait lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise AND operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs. | |
SgfcNodeTraits & | operator&= (SgfcNodeTraits &lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise AND compound assignment operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator& (SgfcPropertyTraits lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise AND operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator& (SgfcPropertyTrait lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise AND operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits & | operator&= (SgfcPropertyTraits &lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise AND compound assignment operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
Bitwise OR operators | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator| (SgfcNodeTraits lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise OR operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator| (SgfcNodeTrait lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise OR operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs. | |
SgfcNodeTraits & | operator|= (SgfcNodeTraits &lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise OR compound assignment operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator| (SgfcPropertyTraits lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise OR operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator| (SgfcPropertyTrait lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise OR operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits & | operator|= (SgfcPropertyTraits &lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise OR compound assignment operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
Bitwise XOR operators | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator^ (SgfcNodeTraits lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise XOR operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator^ (SgfcNodeTrait lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise XOR operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs. | |
SgfcNodeTraits & | operator^= (SgfcNodeTraits &lhs, SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise XOR compound assignment operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator^ (SgfcPropertyTraits lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise XOR operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator^ (SgfcPropertyTrait lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise XOR operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits & | operator^= (SgfcPropertyTraits &lhs, SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise XOR compound assignment operator, applying the right-hand-side trait operand rhs to the left-hand-side traits operand lhs. | |
Bitwise shift operators | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator<< (SgfcNodeTrait lhs, unsigned short numberOfBitsToShift) |
Bitwise left shift operator, shifting the left-hand-side traits operand lhs by the number of bits in the right-hand-side operand numberOfBitsToShift. | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator>> (SgfcNodeTrait lhs, unsigned short numberOfBitsToShift) |
Bitwise right shift operator, shifting the left-hand-side traits operand lhs by the number of bits in the right-hand-side operand numberOfBitsToShift. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator<< (SgfcPropertyTrait lhs, unsigned short numberOfBitsToShift) |
Bitwise left shift operator, shifting the left-hand-side traits operand lhs by the number of bits in the right-hand-side operand numberOfBitsToShift. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator>> (SgfcPropertyTrait lhs, unsigned short numberOfBitsToShift) |
Bitwise right shift operator, shifting the left-hand-side traits operand lhs by the number of bits in the right-hand-side operand numberOfBitsToShift. | |
Other bitwise operators | |
SgfcNodeTraits | operator~ (SgfcNodeTrait rhs) |
Bitwise NOT operator, flipping all bits of the right-hand-side trait operand rhs. | |
SgfcPropertyTraits | operator~ (SgfcPropertyTrait rhs) |
Bitwise NOT operator, flipping all bits of the right-hand-side trait operand rhs. | |
typedef std::function<SgfcNodeIterationContinuation (std::shared_ptr<ISgfcNode>)> LibSgfcPlusPlus::NodeVisitCallback |
Defines the signature of the callback method that SgfcNodeIterator invokes when it visits a node.
The callback parameter is the node that is being visited. The return value is an instruction to SgfcNodeIterator how it should continue with the iteration.
strong |
SgfcNodeIterationContinuation enumerates how SgfcNodeIterator should continue with the iteration after it has visited a node.
Enumerator | |
VerticalAndLateral | SgfcNodeIterator will continue the iteration both vertically (firstChild) and laterally (nextSibling). |
Lateral | SgfcNodeIterator will continue the iteration laterally (nextSibling) but not vertically (firstChild). |
Ascend | SgfcNodeIterator will stop the iteration on the current tree level, ascend one tree level, and then continue laterally (nextSibling) on the upper tree level. |
Stop | SgfcNodeIterator will stop the iteration. |
SgfcNodeTraits LibSgfcPlusPlus::operator& | ( | SgfcNodeTrait | lhs, |
SgfcNodeTrait | rhs ) |
Bitwise AND operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs.
This operator does not make much sense - the result will always be SgfcConstants::NodeTraitsNone
SgfcPropertyTraits LibSgfcPlusPlus::operator& | ( | SgfcPropertyTrait | lhs, |
SgfcPropertyTrait | rhs ) |
Bitwise AND operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs.
This operator does not make much sense - the result will always be SgfcConstants::PropertyTraitsNone
SgfcNodeTraits LibSgfcPlusPlus::operator^ | ( | SgfcNodeTrait | lhs, |
SgfcNodeTrait | rhs ) |
Bitwise XOR operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs.
This operator does not make much sense - the result will always be SgfcConstants::NodeTraitsNone
SgfcPropertyTraits LibSgfcPlusPlus::operator^ | ( | SgfcPropertyTrait | lhs, |
SgfcPropertyTrait | rhs ) |
Bitwise XOR operator, combining the left-hand-side trait operand lhs with the right-hand-side trait operand @ rhs.
This operator does not make much sense - the result will always be SgfcConstants::PropertyTraitsNone