libsgfc++ 2.0.1
A C++ library that uses SGFC to read and write SGF (Smart Game Format) data.
The Game module contains functionality related to game concepts such as "board size" or "coordinate system". More...
Topics | |
Go | |
The Go module contains functionality related to concepts from the game of Go. | |
Classes | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcGameInfo |
The ISgfcGameInfo interface ia a collection of meta data that describes one SGF game. For instance, the meta data includes information such as the name of the game, when and where it was played, by whom, etc. More... | |
struct | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcBoardSize |
The SgfcBoardSize struct is a simple type that can hold the value of SgfcPropertyType::SZ. The constant SgfcConstants::BoardSizeNone is used to indicate that SgfcPropertyType::SZ does not exist on a game tree's root node. More... | |
struct | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcDate |
The SgfcDate struct is a simple type that can hold one of the 1-n decomposed date values of an SgfcPropertyType::DT property value. More... | |
struct | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResult |
The SgfcGameResult struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::RE property value. More... | |
struct | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGoPlayerRank |
The SgfcGoPlayerRank struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::BR or SgfcPropertyType::WR property value. More... | |
struct | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGoRuleset |
The SgfcGoRuleset struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::RU property value. More... | |
struct | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcRoundInformation |
The SgfcRoundInformation struct is a simple type that can hold the decomposed values of an SgfcPropertyType::RO property value. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResultType { LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResultType::BlackWin , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResultType::WhiteWin , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResultType::Draw , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResultType::NoResult , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameResultType::UnknownResult } |
SgfcGameResultType enumerates the main result types with which a game can end. Depending on the enumerator additional values are needed to determine the exact nature of the game result. More... | |
enum class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcWinType { LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcWinType::WinWithScore , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcWinType::WinWithoutScore , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcWinType::WinByResignation , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcWinType::WinOnTime , LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcWinType::WinByForfeit } |
SgfcWinType enumerates how a player can win a game. An SgfcWinType value is used to accompany a game result type value of either SgfcGameResultType::BlackWin or SgfcGameResultType::WhiteWin. More... | |
The Game module contains functionality related to game concepts such as "board size" or "coordinate system".
strong |
SgfcGameResultType enumerates the main result types with which a game can end. Depending on the enumerator additional values are needed to determine the exact nature of the game result.
strong |
SgfcWinType enumerates how a player can win a game. An SgfcWinType value is used to accompany a game result type value of either SgfcGameResultType::BlackWin or SgfcGameResultType::WhiteWin.