libsgfc++ 2.0.1
A C++ library that uses SGFC to read and write SGF (Smart Game Format) data.
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SGFC Frontend

The SGFC Frontend module contains the library's public front-facing functionality for interfacing with SGFC. More...


class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcCommandLine
 The ISgfcCommandLine interface is used to operate the SGFC backend in command line mode. Use SgfcPlusPlusFactory to construct new ISgfcCommandLine objects. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcDocumentReader
 The ISgfcDocumentReader interface provides functions to generate ISgfcDocument objects by reading SGF data from the filesystem or from in-memory data. ISgfcDocumentReader operates the SGFC backend to achieve its task. Use SgfcPlusPlusFactory to construct new ISgfcDocumentReader objects. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcDocumentReadResult
 The ISgfcDocumentReadResult interface provides access to the result of a read operation performed by ISgfcDocumentReader. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcDocumentWriter
 The ISgfcDocumentWriter interface provides functions to generate SGF data from ISgfcDocument objects and to either write that data to the filesystem or make it available as an in-memory string. ISgfcDocumentWriter operates the SGFC backend to achieve its task. Use SgfcPlusPlusFactory to construct new ISgfcDocumentWriter objects. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcDocumentWriteResult
 The ISgfcDocumentWriteResult interface provides access to the result of a write operation performed by ISgfcDocumentWriter. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcCommandLine
 The SgfcCommandLine class provides an implementation of the ISgfcCommandLine interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcDocumentReader
 The SgfcDocumentReader class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentReader interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcDocumentReadResult
 The SgfcDocumentReadResult class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentReadResult interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcDocumentWriter
 The SgfcDocumentWriter class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentWriter interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcDocumentWriteResult
 The SgfcDocumentWriteResult class provides an implementation of the ISgfcDocumentWriteResult interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More...

Detailed Description

The SGFC Frontend module contains the library's public front-facing functionality for interfacing with SGFC.

Unlike the SGFC Backend module, all classes in the SGFC Frontend module have a direct representation in the library's public API.