libsgfc++ 2.0.1
A C++ library that uses SGFC to read and write SGF (Smart Game Format) data.
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SGFC Backend

The SGFC Backend module contains the library-internal backend functionality for interfacing with SGFC. More...


class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcBackendController
 The SgfcBackendController class encapsuslates the SGFC backend and is responsible for coordinating access to it. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcBackendDataWrapper
 The SgfcBackendDataWrapper class is a wrapper around the SGFInfo data structure that is defined by the SGFC backend. SgfcBackendDataWrapper is responsible for managing the memory of an SGFInfo object. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcBackendLoadResult
 The SgfcBackendLoadResult class provides access to the result of a load operation performed by SgfcBackendController. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcBackendSaveResult
 The SgfcBackendSaveResult class provides access to the result of a save operation performed by SgfcBackendController. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcOptions
 The SgfcOptions class is used to capture a snapshot of the option values in an SGFCOptions struct, and to reconfigure an SGFCOptions struct with those captured values at a later time. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcSaveStream
 The SgfcSaveStream class captures the stream of save data that is generated by SGF. More...
class  LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcSgfContent
 The SgfcSgfContent class represents a distinct piece of SGF content that is generated by SGFC when it performs a save operation. SgfcSgfContent objects are immutable. More...

Detailed Description

The SGFC Backend module contains the library-internal backend functionality for interfacing with SGFC.

The backend functionality in this module is used internally by the front-facing public API classes in the SGFC Frontend module. The backend functionality has no direct representation in the library's public API.