libsgfc++ 2.0.1
A C++ library that uses SGFC to read and write SGF (Smart Game Format) data.
The Property module contains functionality related to SGF properties. More...
Classes | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcBoardSizeProperty |
The ISgfcBoardSizeProperty interface is a specialization of ISgfcProperty for SgfcPropertyType::SZ. It simplifies access to the property value and provides the value in the form of an SgfcBoardSize object. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcGameTypeProperty |
The ISgfcGameTypeProperty interface is a specialization of ISgfcProperty for SgfcPropertyType::GM. It simplifies access to the property value and provides the value in the form of an SgfcGameType value. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcProperty |
The ISgfcProperty interface provides access to the data of a single property of an SGF node. One property has 0-n values. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::ISgfcPropertyFactory |
The ISgfcPropertyFactory interface provides factory methods for creating ISgfcProperty objects, and objects of every known sub-type of ISgfcProperty. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcProperty |
The SgfcProperty class provides an implementation of the ISgfcProperty interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcPropertyMetaInfo |
The SgfcPropertyMetaInfo class provides meta information about a property and the values it can have according to the SGF standard. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcBoardSizeProperty |
The SgfcBoardSizeProperty class provides an implementation of the ISgfcBoardSizeProperty interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
class | LibSgfcPlusPlus::SgfcGameTypeProperty |
The SgfcGameTypeProperty class provides an implementation of the ISgfcGameTypeProperty interface. See the interface header file for documentation. More... | |
The Property module contains functionality related to SGF properties.